Internet Marketing

To earn some money on the side from the comfort of my own home has long been a wish of mine.I started to do some Internet Marketing last year, and have finally found the perfect combination of "Businesses".
I will share them with you. Both are very well abel to be compatible with any existing business you have!!! And they are both more or less foolproof!!

The first one:
Probably easier to use if you already have an online presence and just need some qualified advertising:

Now they let you have 1000 impressions for free for any website you choose, and if you decide to buy a package they will even give you twice the impressions you actually paid for!

And the best thing is you are definitely able to earn some money on the side with them, since they provide you with a way to actually get even more advertising done and money earned! If you have an etsy shop or
anything that would profit from a little more exposure just make sure you create like a ton of banners (that way you ad gets seen on many more pages) and upload them to their site!

If you have any questions just fell free to get back to me! I will be glad to help you!

The second one:

A way to help other people SAVE money while doing online shopping.

Now does that sound like a good thing?

You actually GIVE people something so they can save money while doing their online shopping and You acutally earn from that!?!?

It is a nifty little app that runs on any computer (or mac) and just sits ther on top of your search engine and awaits your request. Like the Genie from the bottle that most of you are familiar with from Alladin. It is just not as big, but quite powerful!

Here is the link, I advise you to try the app first and see if you can actually save some moeny on something you wanted to buy online anyway...( and if you do not BUY online, you can at least find out the best price and have a great bargaining tool for your local stores ;o)

See, the Genie is a very friendly sort :o)

As with the  first great business, this one has a few additional details that make it even more powerful!

Once you own it, and can start giving it away to people, you can actually add you very own logo to the genie, so every time the person using the Genie does so they see you link... if I would like to link back to this blog with my Genie the users would see something like this:
Isn't that a very cool way to get people to remember you?! I love it! You can also then go ahead and change the picture anytime you want so you can let people know when you are having a sale or something!
Both businesses are not  very expensive and offer a LOT of potential! Since you give away the Genie app, you could jsut give the link to your app to every customer as a nice addon Present after they purchase something!

And have them give it to anybody they think should like it... and you get the exposure of those ads on top added to that!

As with the other one, feel free to contact me on any questions you have!!
Have fun building and growing your business!!!